- Swallowing chewing gum and other indigestible substances can lead to the formation of a bezoar, a hard mass that can cause bizarre and distressing medical conditions.
- Cases have been reported of massive bezoars made of hair being removed from patients’ stomachs, including a 16-inch mass and a cricket-ball sized lump.
- Bezoars can form from indigestible parts of fruits and vegetables, as well as non-food items like paper, plastics, and chewing gum.
- Bezoars can cause symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, ulcers, and internal bleeding if they block or obstruct the organs.
- Treatment options for bezoars include using endoscopes, swallowing a solution to dissolve the mass, or surgery; dark sodas like Coca-Cola or Pepsi are sometimes used to soften the bezoar for intervention.
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Dentistry and Oral Health, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics.