- A recent study found that injections of adeno-associated virus 8 (AAV8) in the eye can trigger a proinflammatory T-cell immune response against the transgene product.
- Researchers discovered that co-injecting immunodominant peptides from the transgene product with AAV8 can help modulate the immune response across all doses tested.
- Despite initial success in AAV-based therapy for eye diseases, some patients experienced inflammation and decreased vision after an initial improvement.
- The study suggests that the immune response to AAV8 injections can be controlled by a mechanism known as subretinal associated immune inhibition (SRAII).
- Current clinical trials for AAV gene therapy in eye diseases rely on corticosteroids to manage T cell-mediated immune responses, but this study shows a more targeted approach may be possible.
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Ophthalmology, Genetics, Retinal Diseases