Potential connection between GI syndromes & brain aneurysms risk discussed at SNIS 21st Annual Meeting.
- Research presented at the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery’s Annual Meeting suggests a potential link between certain gastrointestinal syndromes and the formation and rupture of brain aneurysms.
- An intracranial aneurysm occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bulges, potentially leading to life-threatening brain bleeding and stroke.
- The study found that individuals with GI disorders like reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and diarrhea were more likely to experience the formation and rupture of brain aneurysms.
- Early detection of GI syndromes may help identify patients at risk of developing brain aneurysms.
- Further research is needed to understand the relationship between GI syndromes, the gut microbiome, and the pathogenesis of brain aneurysms.
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Gastroenterology, Neurology