New research highlights increasing lengths of stay for widowed women in Australian aged care facilities, prompting the need for more funding.
- Australians spend an average of two years in residential aged care, with a projected decline by 2040.
- Research predicts trends in "length of stay" in aged care facilities, with widowed women aged 50-79 expected to spend an average of 45 months in care.
- Aged care services are becoming increasingly vital as the older population in Australia grows, with greater scrutiny on quality and safety following the Royal Commission into Age Care Quality and Safety.
- Government interventions are needed to ensure women in aged care have a good quality of life, with a focus on improving services for widowed or unmarried women.
- Increasing investment in home-based care is recommended to provide better services for seniors at home and reduce the time spent in residential care, ultimately allowing people to stay at home longer.
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Family Medicine, Women’s Health, Nursing, Public Health & Prevention